beamly / beamly.core.lang   0.5.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

The Beamly Scala core lang package

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10


The Beamly core scala language enhancements. This module only depends on the core Scala libraries.

Build Status

Getting beamly.core.lang

Add this sbt dependency:

"com.beamly" %% "beamly-core-lang" % "0.5.0"

or maven dependency:


where the scala.binary variable is either 2.10 or 2.11

Maven Central Repository details


We are rapidly approaching 1.0, feel free to provide feedback or raise issues through the github issue tracker.

Quick start

The scaladocs provide full details, but here's a brief summary of some of the key benefits and features.

String utilities

  • isBlank/nonBlank methods to check if a string is empty or contains only whitespace
  • toSnakeCase which converts a string to snake case, eg: 'nextTvEpisode' to 'next_tv_episode'
  • to<PrimitiveType>Option which returns a primitive type from a string, converting errors into None

Either utilities

  • map/flatMap maps Right values
  • recover/flatRecover/recoverWith converts a Left to a derivation of Right

Option utilities

  • onSome/onNone runs a side-effecting function and returns the original result; useful for logging

AtomicReference utilities

  • update(f: A => A) attempts to rerun a function to update an AtomicReference until the update is successful

PartialFunction utilities

  • andThenWithContext the same as 'andThen', except the input object is passed as well as the result
  • composePF the same as 'compose' but returns a PartialFunction

Map utilities

  • mergeValues merges 2 maps together, using the provided merge function to create a new map value for a key

Future utilities

  • promising[A](f: Promise[A] => Any) creates a promise, uses the provided function to fulfil the promise and then returns the future from the promise
  • get or get(10 seconds) awaits the result of a future with the default timeout of 5 seconds (Await.result)
  • await or await(10 seconds) awaits the future with the default timeout of 5 seconds (Await.ready)
  • fold/flatFold maps successful or failed values to a new Future
  • join method on a Future[Future[A]], Future[Either[Throwable, A]] or Future[Try[A]] flattens the result to a Future[A]

Handling a Future[Option[A]]

  • mapOpt[B](f: A => B): allows you to simply map a Future[Option[A]] without having to call aFuture map { _ map f } with the far simpler form aFuture mapOpt f
  • flatMapOpt[B](f: A => Future[Option[B]]): allows you to simply flatMap a Future[Option[A]] without having to call aFuture flatMap { _ map f getOrElse futureNone } with the far simpler form aFuture flatMapOpt f
  • orElse[B >: A](other: => Future[Option[B]]) provides an alternative Future[Option[B]] if this result is Future(None)

Handling a Future[Traversable[A]]

  • mapTraversable maps the values in the collection into a new Future without having to call aFuture map { _ map f }


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Issue Reporting

To report issues with this software, please raise them via the github reporting mechanism.


Currently we are not able to accept pull requests, if you wish to contribute please contact us via github.